Monday, February 26, 2007

An Exerpt from an Old Email

... which still rings true somehow...

Yes, sex is so very VERY good... unless it isn't, in which case it's really hard to remember why one spends so much time and does so much work to make it to happen because DAMN, when it's bad, it's BAD, and you don't know why you bother, and maybe you'd be better off devoting all that energy and frustration into something constructive like building houses for the poor, or raising cockatiels, or collecting doilies or SOMETHING which will result in something to show for one's efforts, except for the fact that sublimation/redirection DOESN'T WORK, I don't care what anyone says, FREUD CAN 'SMOKE MY CIGAR' because when you want sex, you want sex, it's not like urges are just fuel that one can put any old place (shall I gas up the stove, the jalopy, or my wife?), that approach doesn't WORK. DOESN'T DOESN'T DOESN'T DOESN'T. Does not.


I'm sorry... what were we talking about? Someone needs to go run around Manhattan. In a cold shower.

What is salt peter, anyway? And where does one find it?


Jeff said...

"Salt peter" is potassium nitrate, which in turn is the oxidizing component of black powder. Prior to the large-scale industrial fixation of nitrogen, a major source of potassium nitrate was the deposits crystallising from cave walls or the drainings of decomposing organic material. Dung-heaps were a particularly common source: ammonia from the decomposition of urea and other nitrogenous materials would undergo bacterial oxidation to produce nitrate. It was and is also used as a component in some fertilizers.

Patrick said...

Wow. Did you just happen to know this, or did you go look it up? In either case, thanks for the info. Yeah, I think ingesting a nitrate that was created by the bacterial oxidation of decomposing urea would have a suppressing effect on my libido. Just the thought of it is doing nicely. Actually I think just considering the words 'ammonia', 'decomposition',
'urea' and 'bacterial oxidation' alone or in combination, would pretty much do the trick.
So, um, thanks for that.
