During a recent walk in Fort Tryon Park, I came across this squirrel hanging from its hind feet, cheerfully eating a nut. What does it say about me that upon seeing this, the first thought through my head was "wow, that would really stir up my acid reflux"?
Is that an age thing? I've had that as long as I can remember! - a touch of acid reflux, not a tendency to hang upside down by my feet! Lovely photo.
That's a big club. If you look closely at the photo, you'll actually see that the squirrel is taking a Nexium. ;)
I like the photo too.
When Caris and I were in the park on Thursday, we took video of a squirrel hanging upside down by ONE hind foot from a branch. I said to Caris, "He's drunk on all those mulberries hes' eating." Inside I was thinking..."Lucky squirrel."
Patrick; it was such an honor and pleasure to meet you. You helped to make an already awesome trip even more awesome. My heart was bursting with joy and now along with Bokey and Jess, you hold a place there. I send you love and hugs from afar. Thank you for sharing your beautiful self with me. I will always remember snuggling with you on the sunroom couch. I hope we will have more snuggles one day soon.
Someday that young squirrel will understand what you mean. ; )
Now I don't feel so bad, my first thought was "I would get such a migraine from that".
I think it says you're not a squirrel.
When was the last time you ate a nut while hanging upside down? And don't leave anything out...
You are getting a lot of mileage out of this post, especially for someone so young. Please.
Jeaux, thank you for this morning's laugh out loud.
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