Thursday, August 12, 2010

Falls Creek With Dana

I'm back in New York, getting reacquainted with my life here, after a fantastic month in the Methow Valley, direcing a production of Tuesdays with Morrie at the Merc Playhouse in Twisp, WA.  Not even a cracked tooth could mar the joy of the experience, the beauty of the surroundings, or the loveliness of the friends old and new I encountered.

So far the weather here isn't too bad, but it promises to get nasty again in the next day or two.  So here's a  mini-heat break, at least for your imagination.  My new friend Dana showed me this waterfall as part of a lovely day we had two Sundays ago.  I wish you could feel the air (negative ions bouncing everywhere) and smell the cedar trees.  Why does the scent of cedar immediately cool me off?  Sigh.

I don't know why the sound cuts out before the end.  The quality is not great, unless you take into account that I shot this on my Palm Pre phone.  Then I think it's pretty damn impressive.


Greg said...

That looks like a great spot, cool and refreshing. And brilliant footage for a phone.

Birdie said...

That looks absolutely gorgeous and life-giving. I sat today in 93° heat. A waterfall would have been a tonic.

Java said...

Cool and green and shady, three of my favorite adjectives! It's beautiful.

Pua; Bakin' and Tendin' Bar said...

Pretty damn impressive, indeed!
